Sunday, December 28, 2008
Increase Link Using Spott
In my opinion, this program almost has the same system like Entrecard. The difference is the Spottt fully automatic, but not better than Entrecard regarding driving the traffic to my blog.
You only need to insert small HTML code in your blog or site ( probably sidebar ). Then the Spottt time will review it for the approval, normally take 24 hours to approve your submission. After the Spottt approve your blog, they will start to promote or display the other member blog’s banner in your blog or site.
Spottt use the credit system for displaying the blog in other blogs. You will earn credit when the other blog’s banner displayed in your Spottt space, and its counted by page view normally.
As mentioned before, Spottt is fully automatic. you will display the other blog in your blog or site and also the other member blog will display your blog blog in his/her blog. It’s really fear ratio, 1 : 1.
If you have lot of visitor or page view in your blog or site means that you will earn lot of credit which will impact to the frequently of your blog or displayed in other blog.
This is not a make money program, but the tool to support your make money programs. So, you can check it out by yourself to see how its working for you…
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Increase traffic by entrecard
High traffic is the requirement and the important thing to be a famous blog or site. There are lot of thing can be effected by high traffic in your blog such as the possibility of clicking your contextual ads, increasing the revenue by impression and other making money programs. The traffic ranks or traffic competition can be found in Alexa rank.
Several weeks ago, I joined with the Entrecard which claimed their program can increase my blog traffic or visitor. Entrecard used the free advertising of your blog in the other blog. In another word, the Entrecard is inviting one blog to introduce or publish the other blog on his own blog or site. I found that my traffic was increased and increased……. I am sure that you want to increase your traffic with this way also…
First of all, you must register to have the Entrecard account. When you sign up to Entrecard, they will ask you to put your Entrecard (entrecard HTML code) in your blog or site. Then you are done for the while. Now, how to advertise your blog or site in the other blogs?
The Entrecard used ec (entre credit) to advertise in other blogs or sites. Oke….., the credit will earned by you when you drop (click drop) in other blog’s or site’s Entrecard. The ec (entre credit) also can be earned when the other blogs or sites are advertised in your blog. You can drop as much as you can to other blog. But remember, you only allowed for dropping one time a day in one blog or site. When you have enough ec (entre credit) in your Entrecard account, you can advertise your blog in other blogs or sites.
How the traffic increase with Entrecard? The entire members of Entrecard need to have an enough ec (entre credit) to be able to advertise his blog in other blogs or sites. It’s means that they need to visit the other blog ( hope that your blog or site included ) to drop their card, this means traffic to your blog right?
The Entrecard also very useful to introduce my blog to the other blogger, it’s proved on lot of new visitor or blogger came to my blog and my readers were increased. I would like to say thanks for the Entrecard which make my blog known by the other blogger.