Sunday, December 28, 2008

Increase Link Using Spott

Spottt is a free link exchange service. They have a simple concept, they will lead the advertising or introduce or display ads in your site or blog for other member blog with 125 x 125 pixels ads.

In my opinion, this program almost has the same system like Entrecard. The difference is the Spottt fully automatic, but not better than Entrecard regarding driving the traffic to my blog.

You only need to insert small HTML code in your blog or site ( probably sidebar ). Then the Spottt time will review it for the approval, normally take 24 hours to approve your submission. After the Spottt approve your blog, they will start to promote or display the other member blog’s banner in your blog or site.

Spottt use the credit system for displaying the blog in other blogs. You will earn credit when the other blog’s banner displayed in your Spottt space, and its counted by page view normally.

As mentioned before, Spottt is fully automatic. you will display the other blog in your blog or site and also the other member blog will display your blog blog in his/her blog. It’s really fear ratio, 1 : 1.

If you have lot of visitor or page view in your blog or site means that you will earn lot of credit which will impact to the frequently of your blog or displayed in other blog.

This is not a make money program, but the tool to support your make money programs. So, you can check it out by yourself to see how its working for you…

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